At Green 220, we strive to offer the best prices on the web. It is therefore quite rare for us to offer promotional codes.
Eventually, we might have a code to offer you free postage on orders over £300. Maybe we could. Maybe. But we prefer to lower our prices and offer you delivery.
If you find an identical product sold under the same conditions, Green220 undertakes to match that price. Nothing could be simpler: just tell us and we'll match it. Immediately and with no strings attached. All we need is a valid link (not a screenshot) so that we can validate the price and your request. This offer cannot and will not be retroactive, and there is no time limit. Please note that the following sites in particular are excluded from this operation: Amazon, Rakuten and other marketplaces, AliExpress, etc...
Here is a list of promotional codes that are currently active:
FAQ Green220 promotional codes
How do I use my Green220 promotional code?
To use your Green220 promotional code, start by selecting the discount coupon on this page and copying it. When you are ready to finalise your purchase, click on the basket at the top right of the page, then paste the code in the "Do you have a promotional code?" section on the right, just above your basket.
Is it for members only?
All promo codes, unless otherwise stated, are available to everyone, provided you have a Green220 customer account. It may be that it is reserved for your first purchase, in which case it will be specified in the code description.
Is my Green220 discount code unlimited?
Normally, your discount code has an expiry date, and this is visible in the information just below the coupon. If you do not find an expiry date, this means that - for the moment - this code has an unlimited validity date.